Saturday, December 26, 2009

Things I'm learning....

1. I can go up the stairs now without being carried.... but I can't do 'down' so I sit at the top of the stairs and cry for help.....loudly.
2. Toilet paper is fun to unroll, and string around the bathroom...and into the kitchen...and around the dining room...and into the foyer.... and mommy makes fun noises when she finds this stuff.
3. Mommy having one glass of wine does not numb her up enough where I can chomp on her 'front' without her yelling in surprise.
4. Home Depot has yards and yards of rope, all for me!
5. I can sleep thru Walmart on the day after Christmas and people think I'm totally cute.
6. I can still go under the sofa and loveseat...but it's getting to be a tight fit....and it's tough to get out.
7. When my people fix bratwurst, even all the whining and cute-eyes in the world isn't getting me a bite of them.



Woofs. Ham's rating system.

  • Five Woofs = I REALLY LIKE IT
  • Four Woofs = I like it
  • Three Woofs = It was OK
  • Two Woofs = Meh.
  • One Woof = No, thanks.

Hamilton's family



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